
Filing Trademark Application: 

  1. A Power of Attorney form simply signed and stamped with the Corporate Seal.

  2. The full name, address, nationality and profession of the applicant.

  3. The list of goods or services of not more than six lines.

  4. Ten prints of the mark.

  5. A certified copy of the home or foreign registration of the mark. If the Registration Certificate is not available; a Certificate of Incorporation of the applicant could be used.

Filing Patent Application:

The Patent Office in Bahrain is currently not accepting any patent application or annuities till the functioning the related regulations.

Filing Design Application:

  1. A simply signed power of attorney, stamped with the company's seal.

  2. The name, address, nationality, and occupation or nature of business of the applicant.

  3. A certified copy of the home registration or a registration certificate from any foreign country.

  4. Three representations of each design.

Filing Copyright Application:

  1. A power of attorney simply signed and stamped by the corporate seal on the letter-head of the applicant’s firm.

  2. Three copies of the copyright work.

  3. A legalized copy of the deed of assignment if the applicant is not the author.



  • What is the term of protection of a trademark?
    - 10 years.

  • Can one application cover more than one class of goods/services?
    - No.

  • Can an application be filed without its complete documents?
    - No.

  • May priority be claimed?
    - Bahrain is a member state but not yet implemented procedures allowing applicants to claim priority.


  • Can convention priority be claimed?
    - Bahrain is a member of the Paris Convention since October 29, 1996 but not implement yet this convention.

  • What is the term of protection of a patent and from which date is it calculated?
    - 15 years as of the filing date. It can be renewed for extra 5 years.

  • Can a patent search be conducted?
    - Yes.

  • Can a patent application be filed without its complete documents?
    - No. However, the Arabic translation of the patent specification can be submitted later.

  • Are utility models being protected?
    - No.

  • Can the specifications or claims be amended?
    - The specifications or claims can be amended only.

  • Could annuity payments be made before the granting of the patent?
    - The relative regulations had not been issued.

  • Does the Patent Office publish the patent applications?
    - Yes.


  • Are designs being registered in Bahrain?
    - Yes.

  • What is the term of protection of a model or design in Bahrain?
    - 5 years as of the date of filing and may be renewed for two further periods of 5 years each.

  • Can convention priority be claimed in Bahrain?
    - No.


  • Is copyright protected in Bahrain?
    - Yes.

  • What is the length of protection?
    - 50 years after the death of the author.





Power of attorney Arabic / English



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